
Film about Northern wood

On the eve of the day of the workers of the timber industry, I would like to congratulate all those involved in the historical industry of our country.

Thanks to you friends and colleagues, we are ahead of both Canada and the USA. From Japan to Belgium customers know that our northern forest is one of the highest quality in the world.

From Japan to Belgium customers know that our northern forest is one of the highest quality in the world. We made an industry short documentary on this topic. Let it remind our European and Asian partners of our glorious Arkhangelsk Forest and those wonderful people who carefully cultivate and replenish it for the benefit of our children.

We wanted to show a real picture of how the world-famous Arkhangelsk timber is made. Such well-known timber producers not only in the industry, but also in Russia, such as Vladimir Butorin, Pavel Veriuzhsky, Vladimir Krupchak, are making great efforts to bring our northern timber, which has already become a brand, to its rightful leading place in the world.

Thanks to its highest quality and us involved in trade, it is possible to maintain the quality for which buyers from all over the world stand in line. And all this, of course, thanks to the talented people who grew up in the ASTU Institute (now NArFU) and then became top-level masters in such companies as ULK, Region-les, Titan and others.

I would like to thank the Region-les company for supporting the film about Northern wood, to thank our home university of NArFU (ASTU), which has been preparing personnel for the industry since 1929.

I want to say that the role of an actor was not easy for me. It took a lot of work with my fear of the camera and public speaking. Many thanks to my partners Region-les. Seeing their calmness and confidence, I myself was able to cope with my dragons and enjoyed the magical action of movie production. Seeing their calmness and confidence, I was able to master my dragons myself and enjoyed the magical action of a film making.

2021-09-16 23:33