
Our value as a result

NK consulting loves to experiment in its favorite business and tries to do it with maximum return for the client. There’s an important question for us as a partner of GA Region-les for foreign activities. This question is not only concerning sales, marketing, customs but logistics. Because it is an integral part of the supply chain, where we determine our efficiency. Difficult tasks serve as knowledge and improve the level of development.

Our idea was to send a joint ship party.

Our idea and will alone were not enough. GC ULK and Region-les joined the solution of this complicated and multifaceted matter. The matter required a colossal contribution from each side: ship broker, ship agent, stevedores, ship owner, forwarders, weather conditions, and of course the clients themselves.

Once the approval was got GC ULK and GA Region-les successfully send the joint vessel with pellets in accordance with “part cargo” to the major port of Ghent in Belgium.

As a result a certain level of optimization of transport logistics for this shipment has been achieved.

The NK consulting team highly appreciates such clear and well-coordinated collaboration and believes that its results will lead both companies to even closer mutually beneficial cooperation in the field of forest industry.

For your information: In marine logistics “part cargo” means partial vessel cargo loading, maybe combined with several shippers, but separated by the wall in this case in order not to mix the cargo of different shippers.

Company group “ULK” – is a vertically-integrated company group, the leader of forest industry in the Russian Federation.

The founder of the company is Vladimir Fedorovich Butorin, he is the owner and the CEO of GC “ULK” The company occupies a leading position in the forestry business thanks to its good technological equipment, the introduction of know-how, innovation, colossal wood processing volumes and a closed production cycle.

Group Association "Region-Les" - a vertically integrated group association of companies in the Arkhangelsk region. It is a part of the leaders of the forest industry complex of the Arkhangelsk region. GA Region-les includes logging enterprises, an enterprise specializing in timber rafting, an engineering company and two large production sites for deep processing of wood and its waste. The founder is Pavel Vladimirovich Veriuzhskii.

2020-09-30 15:07