
The first vessel from Arkhangelsk

The Region-les company with the participation of NK-Consulting sent the first vessel with industrial wood pellets from Arkhangelsk to the Netherlands.

The contract was signed with a well-known large energy company in Europe, which generates energy in the UK, Benelux countries, Germany, Czech Republic, Austria, Hungary, Poland, Spain, Portugal, Italy, France, Slovenia, Turkey. For a long time, the plant of the Region-les company was stopped due to unfavorable market conditions caused by the crisis of overproduction of wood pellets.

Kirill Neyolov,

head of NK-Consulting

“As a partner of Region Les, responsible for foreign trade activities, I had a difficult period. This time is difficult for me morally, but in such difficult and crisis conditions, development is a 100% consequence. 

I like challenging tasks that provide an opportunity to learn something new. 

We were receiving a feedback from energy market participants, conducted complex negotiations, acting according to an agreed plan, looking for any opportunity to declare Region-les on the market as a reliable, financially sound partner, a manufacturing company capable of providing any power plant in Europe with green fuel for a period of more than 10 years. In July we sent the first vessel, now the shipments will be regular. "

Short info: Region-les implements a project jointly with VTB Bank, investments in the wood pellet project - 1.4 billion rubles. The owner of the company is Pavel Vladimirovich Veriuzhsky

2021-08-03 23:22