
Building up competencies in bioenergy

We always like to analyze our work, especially when it comes to main things, the needs of a modern person. In this case, in energy. This area is especially interesting to us, and we are building up our competencies in this matter.

Every deal in this industry is like a kaleidoscope of events and strength tests, both literally and figuratively.

So, last month, another ship with wood pellets, sent from St. Petersburg by our joint efforts, safely arrived at the shores of the Belgian port of Ghent. The sending of this vessel was accompanied by a number of peculiarities and difficulties, and, moreover, for our client it was a burning necessity, in accordance with the obligations of the contract with a large energy company in Europe.

We are sincerely glad that despite all the obstacles we faced, we were able to successfully complete this deal for our client and restock the necessary bioenergy reserves of our European partners.

2021-04-01 15:01